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영어문장 외우기(2) - 10일차

생름 2023. 5. 30. 12:49


In the aftermath of the city wide blackout that caused a minister to tender a resignation, not just Japan who are at the end of the rope from the nuclear power plant crisis, we also in an imperative situation to find  a stable and reliable source of energy, preferably a whole diversity of energies for self-sustainable and producing zero emission. 

  • imperative: extremely important and urgent
  • at the end of someone's rope: very upset or angry, so that you can no longer deal with something or someone calmly.
  • the aftermath: 여파, the effects and results of something bad or important the storm and its aftermath
  • a whole diversity
  • energies



As his tax evatsion issue is snowballed, especially from those who are struggling to make their ends meet, he called for a press conference to made a heart wrenching apology to the public, added he would catch up with the back texes and gradually step down from the limelight. I guess he has built enough nest eggs for new business. 

  • make (both) ends meet: to have just enough money to buy the things that you need
  • back taxes: 미납세금, tax that you owed at an earlier time but did not pay
  • heart-wrenching: making you feel very sad or emotional
  • nest eggs / a nest egg: 밑천, a sum of money saved for the future.



With the anouncement of the ratification for the FTA in both US congress and senates, which has been tossed around like a football in congress for 4 years and hopes to go into effect by January, there are mixed feelings from two different business sectors: Businesses that are related to export say it could rev up their business, on the other hand, it is like receiving a death sentence to those who are in agriculture, fishery, livestocks industry.  

  • go into effect: 효력을 발휘하다. e.g. President Obama's proposal is due to go into effect later this year.
  • rev up: to become or make something become faster, more lively, or more exciting e.g.The presidential candidates are now revving up their campaigns.
  • impose / issue a death sentence

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