As far as I am concerned, there are two types of humans in the world. One needs an inevitable workout for survival; the other doesn’t need to take exercise because the metabolic capacity of one’s muscle covers enough to maintain active biorhythms. This seems unfair to me since my body always requires some regular exercise for a productive life. Without it, my body's strength becomes weak which m..

I have experienced an exchange student program in Singapore. It was my first experience abroad. There, I had three goals: practice English, make foreign friends, and learn any differences outside of Korea. I thoroughly followed this guideline. Although my academic achievement was pretty low, my understanding in sociology enhanced. I used to think foreigners were like aliens who were beyond my un..

Seol, Hyeonji. Arztmann, Daniel. Kim, Naree. Balderrama, Alvaro. 2023. "Estimation of Natural Ventilation Rates in an Office Room with 145 mm-Diameter Circular Openings Using the Occupant-Generated Tracer-Gas Method." Sustainability. Vol 15. Issue 13. PDF In part1 of this review, I specified several restrictions the Ublo ventilation experiment faced previously. Overall, Ublo’s previous studies, ..

Seol, Hyeonji. Arztmann, Daniel. Kim, Naree. Balderrama, Alvaro. 2023. "Estimation of Natural Ventilation Rates in an Office Room with 145 mm-Diameter Circular Openings Using the Occupant-Generated Tracer-Gas Method." Sustainability. Vol 15. Issue 13. PDF This article was mainly written by Hyeonji Seol, a temporal researcher of Ublo.Inc. It is a follow-up study of an experimental project to test..

Huang, Zhewei, Wen Heng, and Shuchang Zhou. 2019. "Learning to Paint With Model- Based Deep Reinforcement Learning." In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp-8709–8718. PDF While I kept digging into Reinforcement Learning, I came to realize all that technical terms could be re-wired with the concepts of general algorithms: the state as the input of each step; th..

Due to the latest tobacco verdict in Florida, many tobacco firms are in an evitable situation to face a flood of civil lawsuits from rank and file people all over the country. verdict: 상소판결, an official judgment made in a court, e.g. return/deliver a verdict, reach a verdict, record a verdict a unanimous verdict: 만장일치 판결 (anonymous) a flood of civil lawsuits from: 많은 민사소송 c.f. criminal lawsuits ..

Huang, Zhewei, Wen Heng, and Shuchang Zhou. 2019. "Learning to Paint With Model- Based Deep Reinforcement Learning." In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp-8709–8718. PDF ICCV 2019 Open Access Repository Zhewei Huang, Wen Heng, Shuchang Zhou; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019, pp. 8709-8718 We show how to teac..

(1) A woman from Uzbekistan was flatly denied for an entry to a public bath facility even though she has been naturalized into a Korea citizen. You know, we've come a long way in terms of sheer economic size and so on but the prejudice is still prevalent. We have to rememeber there is no blood line here rather our country has rapidly been transformed into a multi-national society, so we need to ..