목록B/Essay (13)

As far as I am concerned, there are two types of humans in the world. One needs an inevitable workout for survival; the other doesn’t need to take exercise because the metabolic capacity of one’s muscle covers enough to maintain active biorhythms. This seems unfair to me since my body always requires some regular exercise for a productive life. Without it, my body's strength becomes weak which m..

I have experienced an exchange student program in Singapore. It was my first experience abroad. There, I had three goals: practice English, make foreign friends, and learn any differences outside of Korea. I thoroughly followed this guideline. Although my academic achievement was pretty low, my understanding in sociology enhanced. I used to think foreigners were like aliens who were beyond my un..

AURORA, a Norwegian singer-songwriter is a small girl with her characteristic bob cut in white. Her singing voice is soft but strangely versatile. This was why I started to adore her as soon as Minjoo introduced her to me during lunchtime strolls. Her name was difficult to recognize as a name of a singer at first. When Minjoo asked me “Have you heard Aurora?” I had no idea how I could listen to ..

Here is my overcoming manual that I would like to attempt according to the steps whenever I lose self-motivation. Without a manual, I would start by explaining why I need to be committed, which results in energy-consuming and overthinking. I need a ritual to get back on track in the short term, like how Mary Poppins claps her hands twice to have everything in order. There are a few behaviors for..

Spring at last came after the long preparation for grad school. I thought the deadline in the fall instead of spring may have burneded me less due to the nice summer weather. Unlikely, it turns out false, as I suffer from this warm and cozy atmosphere these days, bothering me to be productive. After grad school applications, I mainly read technical journals, practice English or do some productiv..

Related article: Thoughts about good architecture-1 At this point, I better wrap it up and remind myself of the original theme of this essay. What is good architecture? The definition of good architecture is not the same as what good design consists of, in a way that the aspects of good architecture include not merely an aesthetic factor but also its practical purpose and economic background. Th..

How should good architecture be? Good design in general, points out literally when it reasonably combines its function and form. Unlikely, how to become a fine building could vary, depending on what we weigh the importance of. It could be a building with landmarks, state-of-the-art, space zoning, efficiency, or public good. Subsequently, no wonder architecture in Seoul is pretty ignorant of its ..

아침에 해를 보기위해 일찍 깼다. 혜정이는 이미 깨어있었다. 불개미에 물렸단다. 간지럽지 않고 아프다구 불개미가 확실하댔다. 불개미로 추측되는 괴생명체에 대한 대화가 이어졌다. 처음에는 잠결에 왜 옆자리의 혜정이가 벌써 이불정리 해놓고 바닥에 있는지 잘 이해가 가지 않았다. 발에 한방 “쏘였을”때 잠에 깼고, 턱과 눈 주변에 살짝 따금했을 때 후다닥 일어나 깔고 누웠던 이불을 둘둘 말아 벽 쪽으로 밀어버렸단다. 그래서 내가 일어났을 땐 이미 벽쪽에 뭉친 이불과 요를 베고 맨바닥에 누워 있었구나. 화장실에 가 소독겸 물로 문질렀고 발가락은 너무 아파 어제 사둔 얼음으로 찜질했댔다. 얼음이 너에게 여러모로 쓸모가 많다고 생각했다. 새벽 중에 일어난 재난과도 같은 상황이었지만, 물리지 않아 공감능력이 떨어지던..