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영어문장 외우기(2) - 5일차

생름 2023. 4. 11. 23:57

(1) reenact 재연하다
When K unabashedly reenacted his murder scene, the family of the victim wanted to get even with him, taking the law into their own hands to mutilate him.

  • take the law into their one’s hands: to punish someone in your own way without involving the police or the courts, often by doing something illegal yourself
  • get even with

(2) redeem
Although I almost burgeon you to death as you stood me up, I give you one more chance to redeem yourself.
redeem oneself: 만회할 기회

(3) recitude 청렴한
Y has long been underscored the importance of staying recitude, but it turned out he was the one who couldn’t rein in the use of the prviliage to stash away the slush funds.

  • rein in: 억제하다
  • stash away: 숨기다
  • slush fund: 비자금

(4) reinstate 복구하다
My car insurance was cancelled last week, but it was reinstated as of today after I caught up with the behind premium payments.

  • premium payments

(5) reinvigorate 기운을 회복하다
As a rule of thumb, our ancester believed eating hot dishes like Sam-gye-tang is a splendid idea of reinvigorate yourself under a scorching, unforgiving, withering summer heat.

  • withering: 시들게 하는, deliberately makes you feel silly or embarrassed
  • as a rule of thumb: use for doing or explaining things, that is based on experience (ex. A good rule of thumb is to start painting the wall that’s nearest the window)
  • 표현 a splendid idea

(6) rejuvenate 젊음을 되찾다
17 con artists were booked for scamming old people to buy health supplemental products from deceptive ads, knowing that old folks will go to great lengths for findng an elixir to rejuvenate themselves.

  • scamming: 속이다. (scam as a noun: a dishonest scheme, a fraud)
  • book for: 입건되다, 체포되다
  • go to great lengths: 어떤 것도 서슴치 않다. to try very hard to achieve something.

(7) renounce 포기하다
I have decide to renounce my American citizenship and naturalize into Korean, so that I could have my own credit card.

  • renounce: 포기하다/비난하다
  • naturalize into Korean: 시민이 되다.

(8) reprieve 유예
The family had a huge sigh of relief because 10 minutes before K’s scheduled execution the governor issued a reprive of execution.

  • grieve: suffer grief(n. 감당하기 힘든 무거움/슬픔)
  • breath/heave a sigh of relief

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