영어문장 외우기(2) - 2일차 본문
The defendent’s lawyer tendered a smoking gun to the appellate court, claiming that his client was a frame-up, it is a decisive factor in overturning the lower court’s rulling.
- a smoking gun: clear proof that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- appellate court: a court of law that can change the decision made in other courts (항소심)
- a frame-up: a situation in which someone tries to make an innocent person seem guilty of a crime, by lying or by producing false evidence
I can have a powerful hold on your career path to a great extent, so make sure my engagement with your parents wouldn’t fall on deaf ears.
- have a powerful hold (on): be influential
- fall on deaf ears: be ignored / if something such as a warning, a request, or an attempt to change someone’s attitude falls on deaf ears, it is completely ignored by the person who hears it
J and P both have been been at each other’s throat for years since they both are regarded as the front runners for the next presidential election.
- be at each other’s throat: argue in an angry way
- front runner: the person or thing considered the most likely to win a competition, game, election etc
- presidency: the position of being president, or the length of time during which someone is president
J has now stitched up as the chair of the rulling party, but there is a daunting challenge lie ahead in uniting his party.
- daunting: something that is daunting makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do (ex. a daunting task/challenge/prospect)
- stitch up: to arrange an agreement or deal (꿰차다)
L just pulled two shifts, covering 24 hours, so it must have been a long day at the office and says he is going to wrap it up and go home and crash.
- crash: to sleep somewhere for the night, usually when you did not plan to do this (ex: You can crash at my place if you like.macmillan)
- 표현: a long day at the office
- (pulling) a shift: a period of work time in a factory, hospital, or other place where some people work during the day and some work at night
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