영어문장 외우기(2) - 6일차 본문
He is a very tempermental and tends to become a rowdy at times, so don't drag your feet. Get it over with it right away.
As C has been rattled its saber against him, he also beef up its military forces as a preventative measures.
Due to global warming, the meterologists are forcasting that we can expect unprecedented scorching heat waves and sporadic showers throughout this Summer.
Although it has the all the hallmarks of R's job, the prosecution office couldn't catch up with a smoking gun and he might escape unscathed.
- have all the hallmarks(earmarks) of: ~의 특징을 나타내다
- a smoking gun: 결정적 증거
- unscathed:[언스케이트] not harmed or damaged by something bad that has happened (ex. The government has emerged from this latest crisis relatively unscathed.)
I had to put $1,000 as a collateral to secure the issuance of a credit card.
put something as a collateral: 담보로 잡다.
'A > Outputs' 카테고리의 다른 글
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