영어문장 외우기(2) - 4일차 본문
(1) reprimand 질책받다
He made an egregious mistake and will be repremanded severly on the matter, might including busted to an ordinary cashier.
- an egregious mistake: 엄청난 실수, egregious, extremely bad
- busted down to: 강등되다 (예시 드물다)
- busted: 걸리다, 발각되다/ discovered doing something that you should not be doing or saying something that is not true (ex. you bust me)
(2) remission 회복
Although the surgery went successful, he still hasn’t shown any signs of remission, and the doctor says tonight will be critically important in turning the corner.
- turning the corner: 고비를 넘기는
- (성질 형용사: busy, important, 등등) in -ing: ~하기 때문에 (성질)이 있다. (sy. given, ex. Milly is particularly unlucky in having an unusually vicious form known as Parkinson-plus syndrome.)
- on -ing: 하자마자 (ex. On entering the room, he fell on the floor.)
- cut down on: ~을 줄이다. These improvements will cut down on traffic noise.
(3) retribution 보복
The witnesses may not testify for fear of retribution, therefore authorities move those witnesses around to undisclosed areas from time to time.
- (표현, 콜로케이션으로 같이 쓰임) for fear of retribution from: ~의 보복을 우려했기 때문에. (ex. we spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution from the White House)
- testify for/against someone
(4) resuscitate 되살리다
In the G20 summit, those disparate leders managed to put forward a comprehensive plan to resuscitate the world economy which the global economic slowdown took a heavy toll on.
- put forward: 제안하다 to offer an idea, opinion, reason etc, especially so that people can discuss it and make a decision
- a comprehensive plan
- take a toll on (어디): 막대한 피해를 끼치다/받다, to harm or damage someone or something, especially in a gradual way (ex. The recession has taken a heavy toll / The stress was beginning to take its toll on their marriage.
- the global economic slowdown = a slowdown in the global economy, a period when there is less activity
(5) resuscitation
With the Summer just around the corner, there are tons of beach goers, we need to learn the basic mouth to mouth resuscitation technique for when the church comes.
- when the church comes: 만일의 경우 (고어)
- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation: 인공호흡, cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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