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영어문장 외우기(2) - 3일차

생름 2023. 4. 6. 08:49

It is a 180 degree opposite of what I have known.

  • 표현 a 180 degree opposite of

L needs to know beauty is only skin deep and learn how to look at something much more revealing.

  • beauty is only skin deep: 마음씨>외모
  • skin-deep: a skin-deep quality or feeling is not as strong or important as it seems (ex.The problem is that their commitment is only skin-deep.)

As you know our company’s zero tolerance policy, we won’t turn a blind eye to your lies to save your own skin.

  • turn a blind eye (to something): to pretend you do not notice something, because you should do something about it but you don’t want it.
  • save one’s own skin: (=save one’s own ass)

There was something more to the music than meets the eye.

  • there is more to someone than meets the eye: (숨겨져있는 자질, 특별함) used for saying that someone has qualities or experience that someone else does not know about

After having a resounding victory in the election, Japan’s new prime minister said he will do away with a smoke filled room to deter horse trading from those who play politics as usual.

  • a smoke filled room: (비밀로 정치타협을 하는) 호텔방 관습, a place where powerful people make important decisions
  • horse trading: (정치 흥정, 뒷거래 흥정) difficult and sometimes dishonest discussions between people who are trying to reach an agreement
  • play politics: (당파정치를 하다) to use politics for your own reasons, without caring about the effects on other people (ex. She accused the Prime Minister of playing politics with people’s jobs.)
  • resounding: when emphasizingi how successful/unsuccessful someone/something (ex. a resounding success/victory/defeat)


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