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영어문장 외우기(2) - 1일차

생름 2023. 4. 4. 07:58

D said when he was serving the country, his relations with his girfriend has turned sour. So right after he was discharged, he ditched her like a bubble gum lost its flavor.

  • serve the country <> be discharged
  • turn sour: to be unsuccessful, or to not develop in a satisfactory way (= go sour)
  • 표현: A bubble gum loses its flavor

When B steps down from the UN secretary general, will he make a serious stab at the presidency?

  • step down: to leave an official position or job, especially so that someone else can take your place (= step aside)
  • make a stab at: to attempt to do something although you are not likely to be very successful

By named as the MVP player of the season, K certainly made a name for himself from a journey man to the bonafide power hitter.

  • make a name for oneself: become famous or well-known
  • bonafide[보나파이드]: genuine, real (=bona fide)

After splitting two games, a piece of a pitched battle, The D, the scrappy little team and the K were digging in for the long haul.

  • a pitched battle: (1) an angry argument or fight, especially one that continues for a long time (2) a battle between two armies who have already planned their positions (정정당당한 회전)
  • a scrappy little something: having a strong, determined character, and willing to argue or fight for what you want (ex. scrappy little kid)
  • digging in: (1) prepare yourself for difficulties / if soldiers dig in or dig themselves in, they dig trenches where they can wait for an attack (준비하다, 어려움에 맞서다. ex. Both sides are digging in for a long and bitter dispute. macmillan) (2) to start eating food with a lot of enthusiasm
  • for the long haul:  for a long period of time

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