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When we are stuck in a rut -2 본문


When we are stuck in a rut -2

생름 2023. 5. 16. 19:18

Here is my overcoming manual that I would like to attempt according to the steps whenever I lose self-motivation. Without a manual, I would start by explaining why I need to be committed, which results in energy-consuming and overthinking. I need a ritual to get back on track in the short term, like how Mary Poppins claps her hands twice to have everything in order. There are a few behaviors for refreshment that consume less time.


Occasionally required prescriptions:

(1) Sleep

There is a reason for losing motivation. It is a sign of running out of energy. So, in a bad mood, I would rather sleep. Soon, a clear mind and guilty feeling come to find me and I would take my postponed tasks more seriously.


(2) Music

Especially on a fine-weather day, I need any type of light entertainment before locking me out of my study room. I could easily recharge through a few fun plans on my list. Watching youtube or Netflix, or reading other fantasy novels consumes much time and is addictive, however. I recently joined a choir and came to realize singing is also a great way to release stress. Though there are not many places I could sing loudly, this good-relieved feeling after the choir gathering sometimes lasts days. I become getting accustomed to reading notes again, which allows me to listen to music analytically. I also expect learning the violin or a song with its lyric could also boost a deeper understanding of music.


(3) Read a collection of motivating phrases.

I sometimes read motivational articles that inspire me. It is important to collect them in advance. Because when I start looking for one on youtube or other mediums right after I felt down, tons of stimulating channels, irrelevant to motivation, pop up and seduce me. With my weak will, it is impossible to escape from the swamp of entertainment once I step in. In this sense, I would organize the list ahead while I am balanced. For example, I came across several books that touched my heart, and plan to read them again when I feel it is necessary. The following are some helpful books added recently, including some introduced by Director Lee. A Room of One's Own, Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, Grit, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.


(4) Clean-up

If I am not able to focus on my job and plan to spend time doing nothing, I would rather clean up my room. I could make a new furniture arrangement, rub the floor to lie down, or classify my old clothes into three groups: to throw away, to sell, and to relocate. It must be hard to conduct them all at once, but I could start with a small part like disposing of stationery I don’t use. It brings great refreshment for me.



As a grown-up, I came to realize there are two ways of self-management: daily endeavor and occasional prescriptions. The manual above is about special treatments for emergencies. My routines sometimes get broken, unfortunately, due to my overly ambitious plan and excessive workload that I always fail to gauge in advance. Whenever I overstep my average pace, I need a rest for my ‘mental’ health. This status is strange. My physical strength seems bearable so technically I could proceed with my assignments, but my mind puts them off as long as I could. This happens because I cannot generate any motivation inside.

I have heard some great people would not give space to their impulsive moods and just do it. In that sense, it is embarrassing to describe my emotional mood affects inevitably the way I behave. Although Deadlines would make me work, I desire to work actively and keep my schedule relaxed. I demand more daily rewards to stop the occasional routine strike inside me.


Day-to-day rewards:

(1) Swim

Swimming is convenient to proceed at regular times every day. I change costumes; swim; shower; change clothes again in a set of spaces. I like the moment when a workout ends although I experience a little hesitation to start it. For more commitment, it is necessary to register for a regular class or fix the time as a routine. In my case, I began to join a morning swimming class and I got along with my classmates during the last seven months. These colleagues are diligent and helpful for me to learn how to swim faster and more comfortably. This circumstance helps me to get the hang of swimming. As I do so, my physical strength and tolerance improve to get out of a negative loop.


(2) Make a new dish

I rarely cook because my mom occupies her kitchen. I am not kidding. I sensed keenly how she felt about this space with all that miscellaneous tools and tried not to disturb her. Now she seems worried I have no common sense to cook even after moving apart and living independently. She tries to describe her dishes about how to trim ingredients, the sequence of cooking, and so on while I am seated at the dining table. It is new fun I found lately. Last time she taught me a somewhat tactic to roll kim-bab. What I made was not highly preferred by families, still, well begun is half done.


(3) Small Happiness

Although small happiness could not fix high-stress levels, it means a lot to me in storing happy memories of sipping warm tea, strolling on cool windy nights, or mingling with friends and families. I used to skip these moments or consider them to be a waste of time. These days, because I have plenty of flexible time and I should weigh the importance of productive scheduling, I gradually learn the importance of small satisfactions in between the main schedule.


(4) Create a new routine

As I need a collection of motivational quotes before finding myself in a slump, accumulating regular routines on ordinary days is crucial to me. For example, a morning swim was initially a tough job for me because I was scared that the class level was beyond my capacity. After a few months of steadiness, this routine becomes easier, and I have less fatigue waking up early in the morning. Likewise, I would like to make small routines I could follow unconsciously, resulting in a balanced life.

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