목록B/Essay (13)

2020년. 아직 사회적 거리 두기가 끝나지 않았지만, 내 마음의 상상속 정원이던 고흥을 다녀왔다. 페이스북에서 자전거여행을 하던 어느 페친님이 고흥이 제일 아름답단다. 꼭 가볼만하단다. 찾아보니 여수와 강진 사이에 있다. 마침 서울사람에게는 미스터리한 다도해상국립공원도 부분 끼고 있다. 직접적인 사진보단 말과 글이 장소를 더 신비롭게 해주는 것 같다. 한국에서 제일 아름답다고 표현한 누군가의 감회를 좇아, 한동안 고흥에 가고 싶었다. 5월 1일 저녁부터 5월 3일 저녁까지 여수 > 고흥(나로도) > 고흥 > 순천 여정으로 뚜벅이 여행을 했다. 새벽에 무궁화호를 타고 여수에 도착했다. 베개와 안대와 마스크를 챙기길 잘했다. 5월 2일은 외할아버지를 기리는 날이라 엄마가 닭탕수육을 많이 하셨다. 음. 집에..

Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be? In fact, I dreamed of my first piece in beautiful blue color. Or green would be also fine. Unlike my small plan, as a beginner in this knit atelier, Th-ge-bang didn’t allow me any freedom of expression. When I pointed at a brown crochet bag for my first goal, my teacher sold me the same lumps of brown yarn right away. There was..

Encountering the yarn store I accidentally discovered the knit shop for crocheting while I looked for a stationery shop. During my application work in December, I needed huge black papers as a background for shooting photos of my 3D printing mock-ups. Because I had moved to the opposite side of Seoul and recently came back, where my old memory guided me was no longer the stationery store. Actual..

Once my middle school teacher gave the lowest grade to my cross stitch work, (she told me, ”because it was somewhat not neat.”) I decided not to waste time on this tedious shit anymore. Even after I made up my mind in this way, I had a little curiosity about knitting methods around the world beyond cross stitches but ended up failing several trials to learn knitting on my own. My eyes were not m..

This essay was supposed to be a piece of writing about my jobless daily life. It would be worth describing how is a life without any compulsory rules by others; how arbitrary my days are with my indecisive mind. For example, I wore the same red comfy sweater for a week in a row because no one out of my family cared about my wearing and asked me a silly question about whether I slept outside. Or,..