Encountering the yarn store I accidentally discovered the knit shop for crocheting while I looked for a stationery shop. During my application work in December, I needed huge black papers as a background for shooting photos of my 3D printing mock-ups. Because I had moved to the opposite side of Seoul and recently came back, where my old memory guided me was no longer the stationery store. Actual..

Once my middle school teacher gave the lowest grade to my cross stitch work, (she told me, ”because it was somewhat not neat.”) I decided not to waste time on this tedious shit anymore. Even after I made up my mind in this way, I had a little curiosity about knitting methods around the world beyond cross stitches but ended up failing several trials to learn knitting on my own. My eyes were not m..

This essay was supposed to be a piece of writing about my jobless daily life. It would be worth describing how is a life without any compulsory rules by others; how arbitrary my days are with my indecisive mind. For example, I wore the same red comfy sweater for a week in a row because no one out of my family cared about my wearing and asked me a silly question about whether I slept outside. Or,..

일론머스크의 트위터 지배 - 광고 대신 구독으로 비즈니스 모델을 바꾼 전략은 이례적이다. 사람들을 해고한 방식도 야만적이었으며, 현시대 바람직한 보스 유형인 '자아가 낮고 동정심 많은, 직원들의 자율성을 보장하는' 을 지양하며 노동시간 규칙부터 수정했다. 각 회사별 그의 원대한 꿈 - 행성규모의 목표, 전기차의 보급과 화성의 식민화-에 비해 트위터에 대한 그의 비전은 고작 자유 스피치가 번성하는 '디지털 도시광장' 이다. / 하버드 비즈니스스쿨에서 동문들을 대상으로 그들이 전략세우는 방식에 대해 질문했다. 결과는, 본능 또는 형식적인 절차 등 다양했다. 비록 인과과정은 불명확하지만, 구조적인 과정이 있을 수록 더 크고 빠른 회사로 성장시키는 경향이 있었다. 이들은 결정은 느린 편이다. 머스크는 이와 정반..

As the criminal trial continues on for those who are allegedly involved in the mutual saving’s bank fraud scandal, people are still hardened by the clear, unequivocal condemnation of the disgraceful, disrespectful acts which are at odd with the principle of banking practice. One of the significant fallouts of this year’s long rainy season is the skyrocketing food price, especially the vegetables..

1. consider it as 는 사용하지 않음. 예시) I consider her a teacher 2. transition SOP와 커버 레터를 작성 중이다. 라이팅에서 첨삭 해주는 친구들이 제일 많이 손 보는 곳은 transition 부분이다. 내가 생각하는 수준보다 훨씬 더 정확히 지칭해주어야 하는 것 같음. 3. decide on 선택지 중 결정하는 경우 전치사 오기도 함. 참고 용례로 an option I choose from (option collections) 도 있음. 4. unwarranted 부당한 5. inherent, inherent misinformative nature of the material use 6. generic, 기초는 기초인데 나쁜, 질 떨어지는, 수준 이하의 ..

This colleague, notorious infamous for being a testy and cranky woman, have long been mocked from for anger management issue, and is now jeered from for money management issue when she came back with empty handed from a trip to Europe. What a cheapskate. In the last 50 days or so, we only had only six days in the sun and rest were either rained or heavily overcast, and with that in mind, now the..

1. 무상급식과 서울시장 With so many political uncertanities and an effort to weather the impasse, despite meeting a strong resistance even from his own face, he burned the boat behind his mayor post saying that if he fails in this national referendum on school’s free meal initiative, he will resign step down from the mayor of Seoul along with his audacious political ambitions. 2. 기후변화의 대비책 In his address..